Dan Lackey


Gainesville, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What are your main interests in software development?
Need to be part of the Gatorjug group in Gainesville.
Anything else you'd like to add? Where do you live? (optional!)

I would like to point students in Facebook to the Gatorjug area here, but the info on the Gatorjug group was last updated on Dec. 22. Can you put a new time stamp on it by adding info about the next upcoming meeting?


Comment Wall:

  • Michael Levin

    Let's talk about the Facebook page you mentioned. Is it a Santa Fe page? I just noticed the info you put for me in your Codetown profile. You have to send me a message for me to notice unless I am just browsing profiles!
  • Michael Levin

    Now I understand. I'll make you a Codetown Gatorjug admin. Then you can mod the group. How's that sound, hombre!
  • Michael Levin

    Here's a link to the Ojug mailing list